Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to the first issue of 2021. We can all say 2020 is a strange year. What ever come will come so let’s hope for a better year of 2021. Now to our links as normal.
node.example.com is an ipv6 in Python2? Read on for a tale where text encoding goes wrong in Python2. TLDR: Don’t use Python 2. Even though it’s a Python focus article but you will learn to pay attention to text encoding.
The new github homepage has an interactive globe which you can rotate it, and see the interaction between countries. This artircle explained how they did that using WebGL, three.js and bezier curve.
InnoDB only has a handful of locking concepts, but their usage and behavior depended greatly on the transaction isolation level that is active for the connection.
Databases come with a bunch of isolation levels, and each of them provides some sort of guarantee. For example, snapshot isolation protects us against phantom reads. However, isolation levels do not protect us against everything. Let’s discuss a few real-world scenarios where concurrency can cause bugs and their possible solutions.
Systems design is invisible to people who don’t know how to look for it. With code, you can measure output by the line or the bug. With systems design, the key insight might be a one-sentence explanation given at the right time to the right person, that affects the next 5 years of work, or is the difference between hypergrowth and steady growth.
Packet queues are a core component of any network stack or device. They allow for asynchronous modules to communicate, increase performance and have the side effect of impacting latency. This article aims to explain where IP packets are queued on the transmit path of the Linux network stack, how interesting new latency-reducing features, such as BQL, operate and how to control buffering for reduced latency.
A walk through of a new client-side load balancing technique we’ve developed and deployed widely at Twitter which has allowed our microservice architecture to efficiently scale clusters to thousands of instances. We call this new technique deterministic aperture.
Being a Short Treatise on the Nature of Failure; How Failure is Evaluated; How Failure is Attributed to Proximate Cause; and the Resulting New Understanding of Patient Safety
Offset instructs the databases skip the first N results of a query. However, the database must still fetch these rows from the disk ,and bring them in order before it can send the following ones. In this article, we look into a method to pagination records from query without using object. Napkin math has an interesting post discuss why offset is very expensive too
This post is a part of a series on x86-64 assembly programming. We started implementing an emulator for a simple instruction set of our own. We sketched out the overall architecture, and implemented a few instructions for moving data between virtual registers and memory. By doing that, we understand x86-64 instructions and how numbers are represented in a computer.
a MIME encoding and decoding library for Go which focused on generating and parsing MIME encoded emails.
GoCompose, deliver and test your emails. Support multiple providers: postfix, sendmail, SES, mailgun, mailjet and more.
ElixirPersonal server configuration with k3s which includes postfix for mail sending, Management of secrets with SOPS and a GPG key, Kubernetes k3s, Backup and Wireguard for VPN.
Snebu is a high-performance snapshot-style backup system for Linux supporting compression, deduplication and optional public key encryption.
Disposable webmail server (similar to Mailinator) with built in SMTP, POP3, RESTful servers; no DB required.
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust.
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