Kubernetes is going big right now, every day I saw a new K8S article. I run k8s for betterdev.link too :D. We’re a static site but recently add some dynamic features. I think as a programmer, we should spend sometime to learn K8S because it isn’t that hard. I includes some interesting k8s article in this issue. Enjoy! ❤️
I used to think that the only way to be a great developer was to work myself sick. My health, friendships, and family all suffered because of it. Understanding 5 truths about time management for a developer is what saved me.
When it comes to release software? The debate of branch comes up? Git flow or trunk base? I myself agree with the author of not branching. The post has strong opinion and you may not agree with it but it’s another angle of development shared from somone who are successful with that method.
Looking into CVE improves lot of knowledge on how something works, how they are stored in memory. What’s a buffer under-read and how it affects. Then we write code to exploit.
We will learn Linux syscalls and glibc wrappers, chroot vs pivit_root, namespac, cgroups. The author feel the only way to truly understand something to build it from scratch.
Kubectl is like the new SSH for kubernetes. But the knowledge to secure them isn’t widely spread out. This post summarizes some options and suggest the best one is OIDC.
When running kubectl exec
we can run /bin/bash
to attach shell. Feel
like SSH but it is actually a websocket connetion. We’ll look into the
low level protocol to understand its mechanism.
IoT devices has limited storage space. This post laid out steps to make 6.4MB binary to 816KB. While it’s target Rust, it has some interesting tools and approach which we can apply to other places.
Cover all 18 features that are listed in the TC39’s finished proposals that were added in ES2016, ES2017, and ES2018 (final draft) and show them with useful examples.
Class in JavaScript still has lot of confusion, especially with the
syntax in ES6. Let’s dive in to see why class is still prototype.
Real world usage of Kafka, Dataflow and BigQuery to ingest data and together to ingest and transform a large stream of events.
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