We all want to become a better dev. Great players make everyone around them look like great players. This is 10 ways to be a better teammate.
Reverse engineering iPhone X’s new unlocking mechanism and re-implement with Keras.
Continuation of this series about the internal mechanisms of JavaScript. This article focuses on process of rendering HTML into the browser.
DOM is slow. Repaints and reflows are even slower. Keep the number of DOM nodes down. Cache created DOM node, and use them as a pool of pre-assembled elements.
Electron has bad reputation for being heavy and slow. Kevin utilized Rust to make it fast and respond to all user inputs in < 16ms.
Whoever manages AWS understand the pain to manage AWS users, together with API keys that developers put in their laptop. Segment designs a system where noone has AWS keys.
You hear wild stories of people filling up warehouses with GPUs. What exactly is cryptocurrency mining? How can I try coding my own mining algorithm?
Let’s dust up some knowledge on hardware. A bit dry but I guarantee it’s an important topic to understand more about computers internally.
Before you decide that “Rails doesn’t scale!” and start a rewrite to a tech stack with potentially more performance, maybe you should double check your database queries first.
By using short TTL, we can change the target IP address to a local service to fetch data. Since Ethereum runs a full node on local on port 8545, we can target that.
We’re programmers, let’s ignore the hype around Bitcoin. As its core, a Blockchain is a distributed database that allows direct transactions between two parties without the need of a central authority.
Compiler are big programs, no one argues that. And designing them is pretty well solved. We can see how well GCC, LLVM, Go, Java compiler works. One key idea is that compilers consists of a pipeline of transformations from one form of data to the next.
Port 22 has to open for SSH access, unless we have other VPN solution, which is another attack vector on its own. One way to hide them is using port knocking. The idea is that port 22 is closed by default, and only open after a certain ports are knocked.
We looked at how state machine help organizing the behaviour of domain models, ensure its state is always in exactly one of pre-defined number of states, and used method to transition to other state. Now, we look at the interface a state machine has with the entities that use it.
Getting some extra Raspberry Pi around? Time to have some fun, a small program that blink an LED via GPIO. This is also a course on operating systems if you want to learn more.
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