Even though it was created back in 2009, it has started to gain popularity only in recent years. Here are some small but still significant features that you only get to know after you’ve decided to give Go a try.
To put this in the word of author: The hardest part of the learning journey is thinking in Reactive. It’s a lot about letting go of old imperative and stateful habits of typical programming, and forcing your brain to work in a different paradigm.
Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, magic internet money. It all sounds exciting. But getting started with blockchain development is a blur line. Haseeb Qureshi, a full-time blockchain dev created a guide on how to get into blockchain engineering.
In this post, we are going to examine the other Transactions which, together with ReactDefaultBatchingStrategyTransaction, outline the UI updating processing logic.
Lots of us grow up with Pacman, Space Invaders, Galaxian. Like many aspiring programmers starting out, a common dream is to recreate that magic… to write the next big game.
B-Tree: What, Why, How.
I always want to learn more about AI and Machine Learning. This is a free course from fast.ai. The only requirements is one year of programming and high school math. It is about 15 hours of video and some interactive notes, so we can learn at our own pace.
Code review is a part of many development workflow to ensure code quality and knowledge sharing. The author works at Tumblr and shares how he reviews code. He touches on things like understanding PR scope, sympathy with the author’s and everyone’s mindset.
Browsers implement same-origin policy to block request to different domain. The idea is to protect our sensitive data so that third party scripts cannot make a request to, say, send money to another user. CORS is a mechanism which aims to allow requests made on behalf of us, so we can whilelist who can make requests to us from other domain.
React allows you to start building apps with ease, small or complex app. As applications evolve, you will eventually need to boost performance in your app. This post lists some problems you might encounter and luckily for you it’s not hard to improve!
Time series databases are an interesting topic. Every company needs them to track metric or analytic data for performance monitoring or business intelligence. For small companies, we usually just use an open source edition instead of building our own. Let’s see how a big company like Netflix designs their own time series database.
Could you imagine write desktop apps in Ruby? The author wrote a tutorial introducing this functionality.
Continue the story about deploying a harvesting credit card tool, the author laid out what we can do to prevent getting our credit cards harvested.
Advent of Code is a programming challenge release every day from 1st to 25th of December. The author used it as a way to practice ReasonML. ReasonML is a statically typed language of the ML family that compiles to both JavaScript as well as native executables. I myself enjoy ReasonML a lot and will learn them beside Elm.
Julia works on an awesome Ruby profiler. The goal is to profile without affecting production performance. In this part, she shares about spying on Ruby memory allocations with eBPF.
Kubernetes is one of the hottest open-source projects these days. It’s a production-grade container orchestration system, inspired by Google’s own Borg and released into the wild in 2014.
If you’re looking to implement search with Elasticsearch, this is some good practical example of full process from getting data, import into Elasticsearch and create mapping.
A very practical introduction to GraphQL, with use case in a restaurant, and it’s tasty too :).
Hash tables are everywhere. This topic isn’t too much about Lisp but about understanding building a hash table.
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