Hi, everyone, happy halloween. This issue is a haloween treat :-), it has a lot of short and small articles which you can apply to your daily work and small tips and tricks too.
We all though time is an ever increasing number from January 1st, 1970, we called this epoch. But reality kick in, leap second, 2039, y2k.. Lets dig in to see how it was handle and gotcha dealing with epoch and its data type through … time.
Simon shares with us how we help Causal Spreadsheet engine achive its performance. Simon pioneer the idea of first-principle thinking to estimate systems performance fast, by going to its root to understand and estimate it before writing any code. He moves the enginer from browser into node js into Go, scale from 10,000 rows to 100,000 then to 1,000,000.
Using Terraform efficiently is a dark art. it’s very opinated and different among companies from what I see. terraform is often a mess because of the velocity of dev and workaround stuff we cannot do cleanly in terraform. Therefore learn from big company like Slack can be a great guidance to see how people handle big infra with it.
There is a certain operation which can achive just by manipulation the binary represent of the data. It’s a bit C-heavy but understanding them make me has a better understanding of the lowest level that represent our data and how a certain operation is applied on these structure
I won’t drop JavaScript for these but it’s great to see how we can push the limit by leveraging CSS. Example, galery slide, modal box
Majority of BetterDev audiences are software engineers. And Im sure we love to build SaaS, when it comes to desigb, it is our painpoint. So here is a guide to help us design better.
a short list which you can quickly do to write better shell script
Stefan shareds how he wire his home network using fiber.
with the power of search engine such as Shodan, it can easy setup a unsecure server and have it discovered. Better to have some kind of check lists we can go through to harden our server.
deno is a new platform and a language at the same time written by NodeJS creator. In this post,they benchmark fly vs cloudflare vs vercel vs deno.
pam allows you to delegate authentication to an external system. This is a nodejs package to show how we do PAM in nodejs.
nodejspama pretty complete pam/nss stack for using OneLogin as authentication source (with MFA) and user/group lookups. Primarily used for SSH.
pamcWe usually want a CI runner to be very isolated, one way to achive is using VM but they are expensive and slow to boot. Other way is docker, but then we need to mount docker socket, solve “docker in docker” path issue, lot of gotcha. A new method recently is to use VM that boot very fast so we can have the best of both world.
GoSimple mac binary signing from any platform. Without this signing, we will have to go to “System Preference” to approve running unidentified code sign binary.
an open source MongoDB alternative but the underlying data is backed by … Postgres. So the best of both world
Have you ever need to do KYC(Know your customer) in the app? The kind of system where you have to enter a certain information, upload a certain doc and get approve or reject. This is an open source system that do just that.
I recently working on a video app and remember all the ffmpeg detail isn’t an easy job
Soul is command line tool, after installing it, Run soul -d sqlite.db -p 8000 and it’ll start a RESTful API on localhost:8000 back by the sqlite db
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