Hi everyone! đź‘‹
Welcome to issue #141. Our friends at Hasura just raise a series A for their amazing GraphQL Engine. Come check them out.
Now to our normal links.
The following is a list of many bugs caught on or near leap day, February 29th, 2020. Each link below references the issue with supporting details where available. This list does not include bugs that were already caught and repaired before they could have impact on leap day.
A pretty cool project. A raspberry pi, run inside your car, reading license plate.
Many SQL injection errors, XSS vulnrabilities came from not escpaing output properly but try to sanitizing input smartly and fail.
Tips on how to set up Elasticsearch correctly and avoid common pitfalls.
This paper presents and evaluates, in the context of Google’s G Suite, a novel availability metric: windowed user-uptime. As alway, the morning paper has a summary of it
Circuit breakers are an incredibly powerful tool for making your application resilient to service failure. But they aren’t enough. Most people don’t know that a slightly misconfigured circuit is as bad as no circuit at all! Did you know that a change in 1 or 2 parameters can take your system from running smoothly to completely failing?
JS engines are complicated pieces of software. I want to quickly explain one of the optimization techniques V8 is using to speed up your…
When you’re millions of miles from home, it’s hard to install an operating system update—but not impossible. From the dawn of the Space Age through the present, NASA has relied on resilient software running on redundant hardware to make up for physical defects, wear and tear, sudden failures, or even the effects of cosmic rays on equipment.
This article deals with writing recursive queries. It’s translated from Russian so probabably not as good in term of languague, but in term of knowledge, it’s very good.
We all know and love “|” character. But how do the data is send around, where does it keep. What if the far right program are hang and not reading the data?
a tool for indexing large amounts of both documents (PDF, Word, HTML) and structured (CSV, XLS, SQL) data for easy browsing and search
PythonThese video from Ben pn building computers by looking at how they do thing are just amazing.
A binary whitelisting/blacklisting system for macOS.
an SQL query optimization assistant, updated to version 0.5.0
Netflix’s crisis management orchestration framework. Help you manage incident such as security, downtime,…
Open Source tool to test Gitlab performance based on K6. We can see how they do it and adopt it to our own site.
Tool that easily and reliably converts (all) your existing AutoScaling groups to cheaper spot instances
Open Source Self-Hosted Business Intelligence Platform
Highly-available Distributed Fault-tolerant Runtime
A generic framework for injecting sidecars and related configuration in Kubernetes using Mutating Webhook Admission Controllers. Checkout introduction post
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