Welcome to the final BetterDev of the year — thanks for all of your continued support, emails, and submissions. BetterDev is going to take next week off. We will return on Jan 06, 2020 :).
New year, new challenger, new api, new breaing changes. Let’s see how Shopify, the biggest e-commerce platform handle API breaking changes
How AWS build and scale Route53, handling DDoS attacks
The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime.
A software-defined radio is a radio implemented with reconfigurable software, which processes the raw samples of a digitized radio signal. With about $20, you can get the hardware from ebay and can capture radio and do whatever we want with the radio stream.
Create mazes that having only a single path between any two cells, one row at a time. The algorithm itself is incredibly fast, and far more memory efficient than other popular algorithms.
SSH key shielding is a measure intended to protect private keys in RAM against attacks that abuse bugs in speculative execution that current CPUs exhibit.
Many tips to improve your makefile.
Use enums instead. With any blanket statements like this, there are always exceptions. Though in general, I believe the use of enums is often a better choice compared to boolean, unless you really need to squeeze your data into one single physical bit.
After above article, this one is another case to tell us use enum carefully. Poorly handled enums can infect code with fragility and tight coupling like a digital Typhoid Mary.
UUIDs are a popular identifier data type – they are unpredictable, and/or globally unique (or at least very unlikely to collide) and quite easy to generate. UUIDs make the access patterns much more random compared to traditional sequential identifiers, cause WAL write amplification etc. So let’s look at an extension generating “sequential” UUIDs, and how it can reduce the negative consequences of using UUIDs
This course is a comprehensive study of the internals of modern database management systems [https://15721.courses.cs.cmu.edu/spring2019/]
a web UI for viewing Kafka topics and browsing consumer groups. The tool displays information such as brokers, topics, partitions, consumers, and lets you view messages.
A go module that makes it easier to stream pubsub messages to the web by relaying them via Server Sent Events
A tool for powerful automation of OS X use a Lua scripting engine.
The stream processor for mundane tasks.
Save your bash history to sqlite3 automatically!
Curated colors in context
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