During Chrismats season, as a tradition, a few sites on internet dedicated to one article per day till christmas. They are usually very interesting, short and to the point. One example is: Iteration without for, foreach or while. You should checkout https://security.christmas/ too. https://adventofcode.com/ is another site of this kind, one interesting programming challenger per day till christmas.
Let’s build a search engines. Another article in this seria so far is indexing and Spelling correction
We’ve got a variety of tools to attempt to verify emails, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, and I wanted to explore the actual usage of these authentication methods by the most popular sites and companies in the world - specifically, the top 100 domains retrieved from Alexa and the Fortune 500 companie
Guide to learn about Strace, Perf, BPF to debug performance or know internally what is going on inside Postgress
Garbage collector is an important component of languages like Python, Java, Ruby, JavaScript where we don’t have to manually manage memory. Sequential collectors, parallel collectors, concurrent collectors, incremental collectors, real-time collectors, the list goes on. But when to perform garbage collection appears to be written about less frequently
A good way to cap off a repo designed to introduce people to very basic C programming would be to take those very basic techinques and make a simple yet powerful security related program, namely a malicious shared library rootkit.
Given non-volatile memory (NVRAM), the naive hope for persistence is that it would be a no-op: what happens in memory, stays in memory. Unfortunately, a very similar set of issues to those concerned with flushing volatile memory to persistent disk exist here too, just at another level. Memory might be durable, but…
Ever head of Option, Result or Maybe in language like Rust or Haskell. Or even the safe navigator of Ruby .?
A monad is a data type (e.g. int) that encapsulates some control flow (e.g. try/catch).
They are still useful in imperative languages like Ruby, Python, JavaScript
This may not a good fit at first. But then think about it, GPS is super reliable system. At least it always there when I need it. Looking at its history and challenge they face to build such as system is interesting.
Trunk-based development is used at company like Github and the opposite of Gitflow. If you are using this Git branching models, this article has some tips.
curated list of delightful Unicode tidbits, packages and resources.
a lightweight platform-agnostic declarative UI runtime, written in rust. Read accompanion post
RustNative ESM Package Manager. Highly experimental and you will learn about building package registry
JavaScriptKills half of your randomly selected kubernetes pods.
Go microservices, powered by AWS Lambda.
A set of functions to manage pages in memory from PostgreSQ
A resource cloud scanner that analyzes and reports about wasteful and unused resources to cut unwanted expenses
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server.
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